Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dave Is Back

It's been very dry here in the Gaspé, Eastern Canada.
No rain in the month of June and August
and very little in July.
Gardens and crops suffered.
We had no birds at the feeder all Summer.
They probably stayed in the woods near
lakes where it was cooler and a water source.

Dave the dove, appeared today.

The last few day, the birds are slowing returning.
I keep water close-by the feeders.

Mourning doves usually come in pairs.
They mate for life.

For many years we had this couple come to the feeder.
We named them Dave and Doris.

The last few years, Dave comes alone. 
What happened to Doris, we'll never know.

So happy to see Dave and

he looks happy to be back.


He forages though the hosta garden

 below the feeder, digests food while resting.

Their primary diet is mostly seeds.


My photos are taken through the window.
We had a downpour of rain today.
The most we've had all Summer.


Another visitor today...

a Bluejay. 

He didn't stay long, gobbled up food and left.

This year 2020,  is not a good year.

Will life ever be the way it was?

Thanks for your visit 💖

Stay well and stay safe.