Sunday, November 29, 2020

Coffee Filter Christmas Tree

I did this blog in 2020, 
during the Covid Pandemic

My sister, Annie made this
 Christmas tree with coffee filters.

We have to keep busy during this pandemic.
while staying home to stay safe, as this
Covid-19 is out of control in our world. 
There's hope, a vaccine will be 
available in the new year.

Cleaning out the pantry, we find
 a large supply of coffee filters.
We drink more tea than coffee,
so, we repurposed these filters. 


She made a cone form approx. 20 inches tall,
from cardboard and glued coffee filters to it.
Then she attached some wire lights.

It took approx 2 packs of filters.

Scrunch the middle of the coffee filter together and
glue to the cone, working around and up the cone.

Use a hot glue gun to glue the filter in place.

The first row is complete.
Continue up the tree.
and trim with scissors to shape the tree.

Mini lights in a wire from the Dollarstore.

A great pastime and a great Christmas decoration.
Stay home and stay safe.

Thanks for visiting my blog xo