Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Sunflowers And More ~ 2022

Summer is coming to an end,
as flowers are fading away.
Fall is in the air and
around the corner.
Autumn with cooler temperatures
and beautiful colours.

I have never planted annual
sunflowers before this year.
Last Spring, with the sad news 
of Russia invading Ukraine 
and Sunflowers being the
 national flower of Ukraine;
to show solidarity, 
I decided to plant some.

A little Sunflower Garden
that I planted late in June.
I started them from seed and
 have a few flowers so far blooming.
They are an easy flower to grow.
Germinating fast and they tolerate
poor soil. 

I have approx, 7 types of 
Sunflowers planted.
I'm anxious to see more blossom.

The next 2 photos is an update ,
15 days later after I made this blog post.

symbolize signs of peace and contentment.

I'm happy to see 
birds are feeding here.

and bees, wasps and other insects.

Gaillardia (blanketflower)
A perennial.
A smaller bright one at the right 
bottom of the garden photo.

Teddy Bear Sunflowers
( A photo taken later)

In the back of the Sunflower garden
grows a Rudbeckia which I didn't plant. 
A perennial flower 
that will return, next year. 
From the same family (Asteraceae)
as the Sunflower.

I do have some perennial sunflowers
that have been here for many years.
Below are False Sunflowers with
Gooseneck Loosestrife.

Some other flowers
blooming at this time.

Gooseneck Loosestrife,
with its graceful arching flower.

Black-Eyed Susan
with Pearly Everlasting.

Black-Eyed Susans
can be biennial

A wild flower - Pearly Everlasting
made great dried flowers,
and look nice in a bouquet.

False Sunflowers
An invasive 
perennial plant

Scented phlox

with Sunflowers

a perennial flower,
from the same family 
as the Sunflower.

Different shades, shapes 
and bright colours.
One of my favourite.
They make beautiful cut flowers
and are long lasting in a vase.

Ligularia a huge plant
from the Sunflower family also.

While walking on the beach last week,
I found this rusty horseshoe, lucky!!

Last year I collected rusty
thing that I found around the property
and made a A Rusty Corner
I added more since then.

The National flower of Ukraine.
Sadly still at war after 6 month.

Check out my blog on
 Harvesting Sunflowers
by clicking here

Here in Canada, 2022 is 
"Year Of The Garden".
I received a certificate after 
submitting my Sunflower Garden.

Thanks for your visit
Enjoy the rest of Summer.



  1. Anonymous8/30/2022

    Your garden is the most amazing place with so many beautiful flowers. And I absolutely love your sunflowers.

    Thank yo use much for taking me on a visit of your special place.. I am in awe of all your work.

    1. Anonymous8/30/2022

      You're welcome. My pleasure and thanks for the lovely comment.

  2. Wow! Love sunflowers, they are so beautiful. Wish we had them all year long. They are the symbols for Ukraine .What a lovely Blog. Thanks for putting them on.💝💖

    1. Anonymous8/31/2022

      You are welcome! Thanks for your help. xo


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