I decorated a Victorian Christmas tree
with ornaments I made many yrs. ago.
I added some fruit that I dried this year.
A vintage angel at the top
Some Victorian parasols I made with vintage lace,
tapestry fabric and embellishments.
Potpourri Bags
made with tapestry fabric and lace.
filled with potpourri.
This year I added some cloves and
allspice in the lace ones,
a nice healthy scent.
I painted white doilies with gold paint.
We didn't have the craft stores or
Dollarstores, back then.
Some got squashed in packing.
They need refreshing.
In the cones, dried painted tansy.
I dipped the tansy in paint and let it drip.
Tansy grows wild in my region.
A dried lime slice and a vintage victorian ornament.
In the Victorian era, dried fruit was hung on the tree.
A souvenir from London
Dried orange, nice with a light shining through.
A pink grapefruit.

The bottom of the tree.
It's hard to get a full photo of the tree
because it's in a corner.

If you missed my previous post on
how I dried fruit, click here
Thanks for your visit xo
Merry Christmas!
Stay home, stay cozy and stay well.💖