Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Blue Christmas


I am sharing my sister Annie's Christmas tree in shades of blue.
Vintage baubles, homemade blue poinsettias, birds,
 seaglass angels, painted blue pinecones,
 and white teddy bears
adorn her flocked tree. 

She painted a star for the top


She made poinsettias in blue buffalo plaid 

Our oldest sister Joyce, we call Joy,
who we can't visit at the present time.
We wish her well.

Annie's Grandkids

for a better year, next year.
With seaglass candles.

Annie and Judy
May she(Judy) rest in peace.

Hi JoY!

From Annie's Grandchildren
A gift to Nana.

Homemade basket made with
jupe rope.

Annie painted this ball below, 
in "The Hudson Bay" colours.
Sadly they are closing up their stores,
after 350 years,  in Canada.
They do sell their Christmas 
baubles in these colours.

The Blue Hour

Beneath the tree

Annie also collects colbolt blue glass

It will be different this Christmas.
We must stay home to stay safe.
Time to reflect on the good times
had with family and friends,
and the real reason for Christmas..
We have to be grateful for what we have,
especially our health.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for your visit xo



  1. Your sister's blue and white Christmas tree is a vision splendid. So gorgeous in all it's sparkling beauty. May you enjoy a lovely Christmas with your family and loved ones. May it be one where we all reflect upon and be thankful for those little everyday blessings that come our way. Take care.

    1. Thanks for your visit and nice comment Kim. May you have a happy and peaceful Christmas.
      Thelma. xo

  2. Enchanting Christmas tree! Just adorable!Happy Advent!

    1. Thanks you Louca. Happy Advent to you also. xo

  3. They are so beautiful I love the Hudson Bay ball you did a great job

    1. I love that ball also. I asked her to paint me one. Thanks. xo


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