Autumn, a season ablaze with colour,
shorter day, and cooler nights.
A time to prepare for snow and Winter.
We seem to do more cooking, baking
and preserving foods in Autumn.
Autumn's Harvest gives us so
many great foods to prepare
for the long cold Winter ahead.
Most trees, give food for wildlife.
We are blessed with an abundance
of beautiful trees and shrubs,
here in the Gaspé.
I am sharing a few in my region
of Eastern Canada.
Mountain Ash or
Rowan (Pronounced "round") Trees
They are native in the colder regions
of the Northern Hemisphere,
adding beauty to any landscape and
can been seen throughout the Gaspé.
The berries will stay on
until the birds, deer, moose, partridge
and other wildlife eat them.
This week the leaves have turned brown
and are falling
I have a lot on my property.
They grow wild in the woods.
This year the rowan berries are huge
unlike last year.
Oak Trees
There are approx. 13 species
of Oak trees in Canada.
These huge trees can grow up 100ft. tall.
Oak trees produce acorns in the Fall.
Food for squirrels, chipmunks,
raccoons, geese, woodpeckers,
bluejays, and deer.
I dry some leaves for decoration uses.
Oak leaves and acorns |
An Ornamental Crabapple Tree.
I took these photos on one of my walks.
These trees are spectacular in the Spring
covered in beautiful flowers.
The fruit are eaten by squirrels,
birds and other wildlife.
Highbush Cranberries
Native to North America.
They grow wild in the forest here.
I have transplanted some trees in my garden.
The berries make a nice jam, jelly or juice.
A beautiful shrub/tree with a cluster
of white flowers in the Spring.
Barberry Bush
A green bush that turn orange
in Autumn.
Red Barberry bush
After the leaves fall of,
the Barberry Bush produces little berries,
more food for rabbits,
robins and other wildlife.
I found these bushes below,
growing in the woods.
The birds must have
carried the seeds there.
Maple Trees
Sugar Maple Trees,
In Spring, maple syrup is made from
the sap of these beautiful deciduous trees.
Quebec is one of the world's top
producers of maple syrup.
A great time to take a walk in the woods
Maple Leaves
The National Symbol of Canada.
ROSE HIPS are plentiful
here in the Gaspé.
The seed pod of roses.
Many uses for medicine
and beauty products.
For more on the Roses Of Gaspé
Check out my blog on how I dry
and preserve leaves, click here.
An Autumn quote from
"Anne of Green Gables" novel,
by L.M. Montgomery.
"I'm so glad I live in a world
where there are Octobers."

Thanks for your visit xo