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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Kingsbrae Garden - St. Andrews, New Brunswick

In August I visited the Kingsbrae Gardens
 in St. Andrews, New Brunswick
with my daughter and granddaughter.

A 27-acre site, 
a horticultural garden,
opened to visitors since 1998.
What I liked the most about Kingsbrae Garden, 
are all the different gardens on site.

There's a Dutch windmill at the gardens. 

Built in Holland, dismantled and erected
 at Kingsbrae Gardens, 
to honour John and Lucinda Flemer, 
who generously donated the property for the gardens.
The windmill circulates the water from the lower to
the upper pond to prevent the ponds from stagnating. 

Suzanne and Sabina

The Entry Garden

A White Garden


A cedar maze

More than 2,500 varieties of trees,
plants and shrubs and
many pathways to stroll along.

One of the Ponds.

Many beautiful flowers

Coneflowers - Echinacea 
and Black-Eyed Susans.


Clematis Vine


He's trying to eat the branches of 
the tree hanging above him. 

Terracotta Pots


Very tall flowers

A Woodland Garden

Suzanne and Sabrina

Children's Fantasy Garden

A Sculpture Garden
A few of the many sculptures....

Milkweed for the butterflies
There is a Monarch breeding station where
the public can observe their evolution from 
larvae through pupae to a new butterfly.


Refreshments at the Garden Cafe.
We had a delicious iced-tea.

There's much more to the gardens than I have shared.
A Scents and Sensitivity Garden,
(built in co-operation with the
Canadian National Institute for the Blind.)
 A Secret Garden and Peace Garden,
 A Rose Garden and a Knot Garden,
and more...

I have visited many gardens and 
this beautiful garden is one of my favourite. 

While visiting New Brunswick,
we stayed in the Charming town of 

Also visited Grand Manan Island
and it's 3 lighthouses.

Thanks for your visit xo


  1. Thanks a lot for a great virtual trip. I'll probably never go there so it was great to visit it with your eyes:-)))

  2. I love every photo, every bloom. The windmills, the white garden... the alpaca made me smile super big!

    Thanks for stopping by the other day!

  3. I really enjoyed the virtual tour. Love, love, love every single photo.

    1. Thanks for your visit Veronica and nice comment. xo

  4. GREAT photos! I love garden tours, and the pictures here got me all excited about starting a garden next year. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow ! what an amazing garden(s) and what great photos you took !
    I love the rebuilt windmill from the Netherlands .. a little Dutch touch goes a long way.
    That white garden is stunning .. the big bird billboard (try saying that a number of times quickly ? LOL) is a great quick fix educator as to what birds are there .. the goats are a hoot !
    It is wonderful that they have so many different kinds of gardens to enjoy ..
    Who would know this was there ! Beautiful !!

  6. Those gardens are amazing! The windmill is such a lovely sight to see and the birds are much more plentiful than ours here on the Island. Goats are always fun! Thank you for sharing and enjoy your weekend, Thelma!

  7. That looks like such a fun place to explore. I love all the sculptures mixed in with the flowers.


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