Fast, Easy and Inexpensive.
Today I made a cover for my Barbecue.
To protect it from the harsh Winter
I used a heavy thick strong plastic
that I salvaged from
the covering of a new mattress
when it was delivered from the store.
(I am recycling)
This strong plastic is also
available at Hardware Store
Step One
I started by measuring the BBQ across
(front to back) and got 2ft.
Next I started at an end and
measured the distance from the floor
up and over the top; down the
other side and got 12 ft
.(I added approx. 4" on each side)
I measured the plastic on the floor and cut a strip
2 ft. wide and 12ft.. long
I cut 2 strips 6ft long
and sewed them together
to make the 12ft. length
The top piece is cut
I left about 4" longer at the bottom
on each side.
Step Two
and I got 5ft. across and 3ft. down.
Cut 2 pieces 5ft by 3 1/2 ft. One for
the Front and one for the Back.
I cut the top corners round
to make it easier to sew.
I used a plate as a guide.
Cut 2 top corners round
on the top of the back and front piece
Start Sewing
I used an ordinary sewing machine.
I marked the CENTER of each piece
with a felt marker,
(the long piece for across the top
and the CENTER top of the pieces
of the FRONT and BACK)
Line up each piece together and
started sewing. from the mark in the center.
I stitched 1/2 inch seam then doubled
the seam over and top -stitched to strength it.
It does get bulky and hard to handle at times.
(Top-stitching is optional)
all snug for the winter |
If your BBQ is out in the wind,
your could secure the plastic with bungee cords.
or sew Valcro around each leg.