Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine Luncheon

I am sharing a Valentine Luncheon
at St. Anne's Anglican Church in
 Richmond, Quebec. 
A annual fundraiser to help this church in need.
A lot of hard work, time and effort goes into 
these fundraising events.
Because of a dwindling congregation
and an aging population,
this Church is struggling to stay open.

I helped decorate and set up the tables.

A Sales Table, nicely set up

Marge Lancaster and Loretta Irwin 
Dedicated Volunteers

Lots of Green Items for Sale

St. Patrick Day is the 17th of March
A lot of Irish settlers here, in the Townships

Jewelry, red vases  and other things

Glassware, Crystal and Silverware

A lover of vintage glassware, (this was up my alley).
I bought the yellow vase and 
other items that are no longer on the table.
My sister Ann who collects blue glass
 bought the vases on the right with silver bases.
Prices all under $5.00.

More Glassware, vintage vases, watches and linens

Lots of Homemade Baked Goods

Lots of goodies



Elizabeth Mastine in the Kitchen, Below, Helen Knowles, 
Bev Jones and Ann Nixon

The Meal...A large selection of Casseroles, Soups, Salads, etc..
Rev. Wanda Dillabough gave the Blessing and drew the door prize.

A Large selection of Homemade Pies

(The pies at this end are Ann's Mincemeat Cherry.)

Rita Noel and Fran Cunningham were in charge of the pies

Beautiful Plates to eat on
(WindsorWare, England)

Three of the Servers
Allison Duffy, Megan Provost
and Amber Mastine

A Nice Turnout

Master Dishwasher Certificate
Helen Knowles is 93 yrs old
Many years of Dedicated Service

The Church is not used in the Winter months because of the huge heating costs.
Part of the congregation,  approx 25 hold a service each Sunday
in the "Common Room"

Built in 1884-85 and consecrated
May 1900 by Lord Bishop A.H. Dunn.

My pics are dark..... I should have turned the lights on.
3 flags, first one in the left hand corner 
is the Anglican Church of Canada Flag, 
 Canadian Flag, and the Union Jack.

Sister Ann at the Piano

Casavant Pipe Organ

~A few of the beautiful stained glass windows~

¯`✻´¯) Thanks for visiting my blog.............................

Update 2024:
Sadly this church has closed due to 
a dwindling congregation and lack 
of funds for upkeep and repairs.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentines In The Mail

Valentines Day is just around the corner
I am sharing Valentine Crafts
and Valentine Cards I made
to send to my Grandkids.
These are simple paper Valentines,
easy and fast to make

All trimming from the Dollarstore

I used photographed music sheets,
 cut hearts out, 
glued them to paper doilies.
Outlined the hearts with pearls.

Hanging in the window with light filtering through

I have 4 Grandkids, Jacob,
 Louis, Mathieu and Sabrina.
I made Valentine Cards to mail to them. 
Jacob and Louis live 
across Canada, in Vancouver, 
and Sabrina and Mathieu live 12 hrs. away.
Kids love going to the 
mail box and getting mail.

~~Childhood memories lasts a life time~~

I photocopied Music Notes on thick paper.
Jacob is my youngest Grandson.

Sabrina is the eldest.



 Grandkids with Percé Rock behind.

Happy Valentines Day!!

"Memories of our lives,
of our works, and our deeds,
will continue on in others.

~Rosa Parks~

Thanks for your visit xo

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Beautiful Blue Glass

I am sharing my sister Annie's
 Blue Glass Collection.
Dating back to the 
1960's to present day

Shades of Blue

Vintage Wine Decanter
with 6 glasses

Cobalt  Blue Glass

Blue Vases

Vintage Avon.......
Oil / Vinegar Jars

On the right, Lamp Berger,
France, missing a part of the top

Martha Stewart Cake Plate ~
Macy's Store. N.Y.

A gift from daughter Linda,~
Mother's Day 2014

Add caption
Blue Bottles

Shades of blue

Milk Bottle

Vintage Bottles ~~Garage Sale 

 Bulbous Hooped Decanter Gurgle Bottle and
Stopper 21" Empoli, Italy
Westmount, Montreal,  1970's
 Bought separately a few yrs. between.

Wine Bottles come in Blue also

Latest Find ~ Sherbrooke, Que.

Bought at a Church Auction

Good Night

Thanks for your visit xo
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"More Of Our Canada Magazine" 
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