Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Roses of Gaspé

These wild roses,
Duchess of Portland roses, 
 grace the countryside here in
 the Gaspé during the month of July.
They are plentiful this year because
 of an abundance of rain.
I am thinking the salt air must attribute 
to their growth and beauty. 
Also they smell gorgeous,
with a lovely strong sweet scent 
filling the air around them.

Duchess Of Portland

These heirloom roses originated 
in Britain and are named after
 The Duchess of Portland, (1780)
a bibliophile, (collector of books),
patron of the arts and also a
 plant collector.

My backyard

 ~ One misty morning~

Makes nice lovely scented bouquets.

When the roses are finished flowering,
the flower turns into a seed pod that
 looks like a small crabapple in the Fall.
Rose "hips", the fruit of the rose,
has many purposes, from herbal teas,
soaps, potpourri, to medical uses
with many health benefits.

They grow plentiful
in the salt air on the beaches.

I dry some buds and petals for potpourri.
Place them on a tray on paper towel to dry 
 naturally, for a few weeks, (not in sunlight).

Small mesh bags available at the Dollarstore.
Or, place in a bowl in the bathroom for a nice scent.

A previous blog on our Lighthouse Tour Of The Gaspé.
to view, click here here


Thanks for your visit xo
Have a great Summer,
Stay safe and healthy...


Tea Cups and Roses

My black china tea cups with roses
 for a nice summer vignette.

 Sadler Tea Pot
Church Sale find.
How lucky to find a black tea pot.

Below -  A tray from France, from my daughter, Suzanne.

 Vintage Dish~From my sister Joyce...

Tea cups with roses

Below -this beautiful cup and saucer is made in Japan

A yellow rose ~Royal Albert - England

My favourite ~Royal Albert - England

The tea cup on the far right is Adderley - England
 Duchess of Portland Roses
They smell so devine.

To view my blog on "The Duchess of Portland Roses" 
in the Gaspé, click here.

Thanks for your visit xo

All pics are my sole original property.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

How to Wash Strawberries

I am sharing a great way to
 wash strawberries. 

Hull strawberries,
(Remove the stocks of the strawberries)

Fill a bowl with cool water

Place a handful of strawberries 
in the water and swirl them around.
The strawberries will float 
on the top of the water 
and all the dirt will 
sink to the bottom.

Immediately remove the strawberries, 
as strawberries are like a sponge 
 and absorb water.
Place them in a strainer or
 colander to drain.

 Check out all the dirt in the water

 After draining the strawberries,
 I place them on scott towel and
 blot them to dry throughly. 
They are now ready to enjoy, 
 freeze, bake up your favourite 
 dessert or make jam with.
My favourite is mixed with rhubarb.

To freeze the strawberry, 
I place them on a cookies sheet and 
place in freezer to fast freeze
 for a few hours.
Then put them in freezer bags and 
store in the freezer.

Check out my blog post on 


Thanks for your visit 


Friday, July 8, 2016

Tea With The Roses

I  set up this tea between rains, 
as these Duchess of Portland 
roses are short-lived,
and they will soon be finished.

 This vintage chinaware is Aynsley - Longton - England.
Utensils from Walmart

Cherries under the dome
I am serving Maple Walnut Tarts for the recipe click here.

A Sadler Coffee/Teapot

The table cloth is "Petit-Point" cross stitch embroidery
~Church sale find~

 blowing in the wind...

The rose hedge at the back of the property.

To view more of these lovely roses,  Roses of Gaspé, click here.

Thanks for your visit xo

All pics are my sole original property.