Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Whiskey Barrel Planter

My Little Raised Garden

I planted some herbs in a 1/2 whiskey barrel.
It's serves as a small raised garden. 
I planted, basil, a parsley on each side,
french tarragon and dill.

In the middle, I planted an eggplant,
just curious to see how eggplant grows. 

I love the scent of Dill.
Great for fish and seafood.

French Tarragon 
Great for salads, chicken, fish
and sauces.

I'm not sure if this plant will 
be too big for the barrel.
I will remove it, if it is.

Great for Pesto and Italian dishes. 

One of my favourite herbes, 
dried or fresh.

I drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage
and placed blocks under the barrel,
 to raise it off the ground.
Also before I put in the soil, 
in the bottom of the barrel, I put some
plastic bottles and styrofoam to lighten
the weight of the barrel. 

At the base of the barrel,
 we put some gravel to prevent weeds 
from growing around it.

How it looked the first day I planted it - below.

A week later....

I'm anxious to see how it grows.

This is a great idea for small spaces,
patio or balcony planting.

Happy Summer and
Happy gardening.

Thanks for your visit xo



  1. Looks wonderful, such a great idea.

  2. Thelma I loved your video of your Whiskey Barrel raised GARDEN that is a beautiful garden great job

  3. Looks great and everything you planted seems to be thriving....I had a whiskey barrel a very long time ago and now wish I had kept it!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Your garden container is thriving, I'd say. That's a lot of growth in a week. And it's beautiful. I love cooking with fresh herbs and do it often. I'm thinking you'll enjoy this tremendously!

  5. Thelma, I love this idea. All those special herbs in one place and it looks as pretty as it does substantial. Happy Summer Days..xxoJudy

  6. Your herbs looks so healthy...and happy in that great container. Wonderful...maybe some will winter over.

  7. What a great planting you have made here ! I love herbs and plant bronze fennel, parsley, rosemary .. and if I could have found dill I would have grown that too. You did great with how you planted this little raised garden !

  8. Me again!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment!! We are just glad that we now have nice neighbors who care about their property!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  9. Hi Thelma! You have been so smart putting together your little garden. I have not done my herb pots this year, but I find just a few plants on the patio near where I sit adds so much cheer. Your plants have probably really taken off by now. But you do seem to have a nice green thunb!


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