Where did the time go.
We are in March.
We had a mild winter with not a lot
of snow and only a few storms.
A walk in the woods,
so peaceful in nature.
My sister Annie
and heat up with a nice warm fire in the camp.

I like seeing animal tracks in the
woods, knowing that life is there,
Raccoon |
We visited the beach a few times this winter.
This is New Carlisle Beach in Gaspée.
Treasures of the sea.
Brown waterfalls
from melting ice and the cliffs eroding
Stones with holes are know as hagstones.
Perfect hearts
March 8th is
International Woman's Day
we attended a Gala with a
lovely supper and entertainment.
140 women attended.
About a dozen door prizes
were drawn and my sister
Annie and I each won.
How amazing was that.
My prize was this beautiful
scented homemade soap.
Im sharing some baking
I did this past few months.
Click on the name for the recipe.
filled with chocolate chips,
coconut and walnuts.
For Valentine's Day I made this delicious
and these delicious and easy to make
Well I'll say goodbye for now.
Till next time.
Thanks for your visit.