Sunday, April 24, 2016

Seafood Time

The fishing season has started here in the Gaspé.
The ice has gone from the Bay des Chaleur.

The faint sound of boat motors in the
 wee morning hours can be heard in the distance.
I congratulate these brave and courageous
 fisherman for their hard work to catch this 
delicious and healthy food for our tables.

I am sharing some photos I took at a local fishing
 dock in Paspébiac. 

The building below is a historical  fishing museum.

My sister Carol and hubby Peter were visiting.

 Fishermen working on their boat, after their catch of snow crab.
 (Pretty buoys to mark their territory  and nets in the water.)

Below - another shot of their boat.

These traps are used for Snow Crab
(Annie and Carol)

Below -Lobster Traps- 
The season for lobsters started 
the day after I took this pic.
 The traps are put in the water 
and fished for 10 weeks.
 235 traps per fisherman are fished daily.
The fishermen start their day 
on the water around 3:30 am.

Below - The lobster crawls in the hole 
Herring or flounder is put inside the trap for bait.

Ropes attached to the traps 
to pull the traps up 
and empty them daily.



We had some fried fresh herring.
We cook them outside on the BBQ.
Smoked or salted herring is delicious also.

Also some Snow Crab. 

This is one crab,  meat on the body and in the legs.

 Below - The Royal Canadian Legion in New Carlisle
 had their annual "Mussel" Supper.

Very tasty.
They are cooked in boiling water to open the shell.
 (the little mussel inside the shell is eaten)

A nice crowd at the Legion. 

A large variety of  foods....
salads, sandwiches, desserts, etc.
  added to this delicious meal.

Thanks for your visit. 


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