Summer is half over.
It's going too fast.
We've been having beautiful
weather with temperatures
in the 20's C.
I am sharing some flowers
in my garden.
The Lilies have started blooming.
Lots of butterflies
More lilies
Lemon scented Lily.
Red Lilies
Japanese Red Peonies.
Malva - a wild scented flower also known as Wild Musk.
Goats Beard below the bird houses.
Chickadees families are birthing
in the houses this year.
Geraniums in terracotta pots.
I use repurposed old chimney bricks
to make a barrier from the ditch.
Giant yellow hosta behind.
Painted buoys from the beach.
Weigela Shrub.
Solomon's Seal Berries,
To view more on
"Wild Flowers", click here
to view my previous blog.
Thanks for your visit xo.
Happy Summer