Sunday, March 22, 2015

St. Patrick's Parade

Despite very cold,
 wintry temperatures today, 
a lot of people turned out for a very
 nice parade in Richmond, Quebec
Today -13 Celsius, -24 with the wind factor.
(-11 Fahrenheit)
I am sharing some pics.

A Beautiful Dog

We were on Craig St.
A nice view of the Parade
 coming down the Hill

The Parade turns at the bottom
 and goes up Main St.

A lot more people on Main St.

The Other Direction

A Police Escort-
the beginning of the Parade.

Jimmy, get down!! (My Brother)

St. Patrick (Albert Purcell)
lead the parade

Hotel Gunters
A Landmark in Richmond

Lots of ATV's

Scouts Canada

Royal Canadian Legion Flag

Instead of Carrying the Heavy Drum,
It's on Wheels - Great Idea

The Irish Flag
Bulls Head Ginger Ale, 
an Eastern Township Co.

Musical Marching Band

The Queen

What is that ??

Club Equestre

Lots of Horses in the parade.

Thanks for your visit


Monday, March 16, 2015

Sugar Shack - Cabane à Sucre

In Eastern Quebec, Spring time,
 means Maple syrup time.
Quebec produces 80%
of the World's Maple Syrup.
We had a delicious Lunch here today.

The maple trees are tapped in the traditional manner, with a bucket.

Some of our 50 plus Group

Seniors from the Wales Home
The room was flooded with Sunshine

Maple Syrup

A large selection of Food, 
"French Pea Soup" as an Entrée.

The Kitchen Staff and Owners

Roger toasted our bread directly on the stove
Crêpes and
(Grands-Pères dans le sirop d'érable)
This was delicious!!!


A nice warm wood fire. 
The temperature today was 0  degrees Celsius, or  32 Fahrenheit
For the sap to run, we need freezing temps at night 
and above freezing in the daytime.

Wall Decorations

Maple Products
Wasp Nests
Taffy on Snow

Jim the horse

Sleigh Rides are Available

Signs on Trees ?

Check out my recipe for  :Maple Syrup Mini Cones.

¯`✻´¯) Thanks for visiting my blog.............................
