Saturday, April 25, 2020

Face Masks for Covid-19

My niece Linda and family.

Since we're in this pandemic 
and I have the time,
I decided to make some masks,
for my family.

After watching videos on YouTube,
lots of ideas and patterns,
I came up with my own pattern,
with a nose wire and pocket for a filter.
The mask is washable, 100% cotton. 
Ironing is recommended and
contributes to sterilization.

I'm sharing it step by step
for anyone who is interested.


I used a cotton tablecloth fabric for the front
and a soft cotton (almost like a flannel) for the back.

Two pieces of elastic 1/8" to 1/4"wide ~ 12 inches long.

The nose wire, I used a garden wire similar to a twist tie.

How I do it

Cut 3 pieces of fabric.
One piece for the front  11" by 8"
Two pieces for the back, 4 1/2"  by 7 1/2"

On the 2 back pieces iron and sew 1/4 hem at one end.
Place front to front on the large piece
 of fabric in the middle, with the hem in the middle.
This will be the opening for the filter.

Stitch the outer top and bottom edge.
(Not the sides)

zigzag the edge.
These masks have to be strong because they 
should be washed after each usage.
(If you have a serger machine, this would be nice)

Turn the pieces right side out and iron

Now, it's time to place the nose wire.
This is easy...
I use a garden wire, similar to a twist-tie.
 cut 9 inches long and doubled.

Pipe cleaners are good to use also but I
didn't want to go to the 
Dollarstore in this pandemic.

Place wire in the centre and mark with pins
the beginning and end. Remove wire and
and sew a channel, about 1/4 inch leaving one end
open to put the wire in.

Turn the fabric and place the wire in the opening.
Sew up the open end. 

Stitch down the sides of the lining fabric.

Time to make the pleats.

The three pleats should be in downward direction, 
in the front. (The nose wire is at the top)

I start in the middle and pleat, folding
over about 1/4 inch by hand.

About 1 inch from the top,
make another pleat and
make another pleat under the middle pleat.
I make the side approx.  4 inches.

Sew the pleats down.
 I try to sew over the same seam
that I sewed the lining to the front fabric.
Unless you have the same colour thread
and it wouldn't show as much. 

Almost done!!
Turn the fabric over,
I sew on the outer edge about 1/4 and iron
to make the outer casing for the elastic.
Iron the edge up. This makes it easier to fold
up the edge.

Place the elastic near the end
and turn the hem up to meet the
lining fabric. 
The elastic can be threaded in after
the casing is made,  but I find it easier
to do this way. 

Pin and sew.
Do not sew the elastic. 

Tie the elastic in a knot.
The elastic can be adjusted to fit.


The opening for the filter.

coffee filter or a tool box blue towel
or non-woven interfacing used for sewing,
are recommended by the experts.

I cut some filters from interfacing and ironed 2 pieces
together and they can be inserted into the masks.

Some others

Special request, I made some white ones.

Stay safe and stay well.
Wear a mask when you go out,
you're protecting yourself and others. 

My niece Caroline

My son-in-law Martin

Thanks for your visit xo


  1. These are beautiful. I love the fabrics you chose. I know your family will be thrilled!

  2. Beautifully done Thel. I love the ones you made for me .they are a work of art 😁 thanks again . 💖💖

  3. Thank you for sharing the pattern. It is something that I am now going to make for us and the neighbours. Take care and stay safe.

    1. Thanks. I'm happy you can use the pattern.
      They are fun and easy to make.

  4. You did a fantastic job! Love the fabrics you chose for the masks.

  5. These are wonderful, Thelma! I have put off sewing any since I have a couple from the doctor's office but since we are looking to venture off on a trip to see our grandson, I will be sewing some later this weekend! Thank you for the great tutorial!!! Happy to feature your post for next Wed.'s Share Your Style #257, thank you! <3

    Hugs and hope everyone is well up there,
    Barb :)

  6. Thanks Barb for the feature. I sewed a lot of these masks and they are appreciated. We are still in isolation. The government is easing some restrictions this week. School will not resume until September in Montreal. They have been hard hit there, especially the Senior Homes.
    Have a great visit with your Grandson.
    Thelma xo


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