Sunday, November 2, 2008

Black Knot Fungus

 Black Knot Fungus, is a black lumpy fungus that 
feeds on the branches, eventually disfiguring trees.
This disease can occur on both sweet
and sour cherry,  wild cherries and plum trees.
The disease black knot is caused by the fungus
(Apiosporina morbosa) .

     The Black knot fungus infects trees 
between April and June during warm, 
wet weather. The first symptom is a small, 
light brown swelling on the 
current or last year’s growth. 
These swellings are difficult to notice 
at first until the following spring when 
they enlarge and appear as an 
olive green velvety knot.
During this stage the fungus produces 
spores which are released at or near 
the time the trees are beginning to leaf.
Spore release is heaviest at blossom time. 
Soon after, the knots become darker 
and by fall, they appear as the black
knots that are atypical of the symptoms. 
The disease may not be recognized 
until one or two years after 
the original infection.
Knots will continue to grow until
they girdle the branch and kill it. 
Severe infections can eventually kill the tree.

Many pieces of fungus, -- 
approx. 10 were cut from the tree.

A large knot of fungus

Martin removing some branches.

Showing a large piece of black fungus.

He has a long tool to do the job...
The diseased pieces must be destroyed,
burnt, or put in the garbage.

The same tree in the Spring in flower

Thanks for your visit


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