Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fauvel Beach


 Fauvel Beach, 
on the Chaleur Bay,
Gaspé, Eastern Canada.
Fauvel is between Bonaventure 
and New Carlisle....
I grew up here and have a lot of
childhood memories of this beach.

We played on this beach often as kids.
Ken on the left, Joyce, 
Judy, Me behind,  and Carol.
(Annie took the pic.)


The left side looks like a face

Fauvel Lighthouse
We had a lighthouse nearby.
The fun we had walking up
 the beach to the lighthouse.

Our beacon in the night, with it's light
shining in our upstairs window. 
In the 1990's it has been
 moved to Bonaventure to

a more picturesque place
 where tourist can enjoy it.

Day's Brook below runs out
 into the Baie des Chaleur

~Day's Brook~
In 1827, My 4th generation, 
Grandfather built the first Grist Mill 
in the Gaspé, on this Brook.

Day's Mill

My Neighbours' Stairs above.

Carol and Peter

In the Fall, high winds, huge waves
 dirty the beach with seaweed. 
Carmen above.
my 90+yr. old friend.
She walks on the beach each day,
weather permitting.

Below ~ New Brunswick is on the other side of the Bay

Jelly Fish

Logs are installed to prevent land erosion

A lot of memories here.
before those logs were installed.
There used to be a whart/dock
This was my Grandparent's Lawrence and

Margaret Astles' beach.

~Treasures of the Sea~

my grandkids made.
Sabrina made the one in the middle and
Mathieu (4 yrs. old) the bottom one with the fat toes

One of my Mom's poems.
"Gaspe Retreat" by Bertha Astles Day

To view my blog on Bonaventure Beach, here
Also, New Carlisle, click .HERE
To veiw my blog on stone/rock art, click here.

Thanks for your visit.

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