Friday, January 8, 2021

Winter In The Woods ~ Life In Lockdown

I did this blog in January,
during the Covid Pandemic

We are welcoming a new year
unfortunately,  still in a pandemic. 

Our Premier Legault, announced 
new measures for our province of Quebec.
 We are in a total lockdown with
 a curfew at night, for the next
4 weeks, all stores and businesses
 are closed, except for essential services.
Schools are closed until Jan 11th, maybe longer.
Students are learning from home.
Face masks are mandatory in all public places.
I don't object to this lockdown.
We're hoping this will lessen the number of covid cases.

On the brighter side, We have 
 two vaccines in progress.
Our Prime Minister Trudeau predicts 
that by September, those who wish to be
  be vaccinated, will be.

All photos taken with my phone.

We are allowed to take daily walks
as long as we stay in our bubble. 

The woods is beautiful in Winter,
here in Quebec.
The deciduous tree have lost their
leaves and it's so peaceful, with only
the sound of birds and nature's beauty. 

We take a daily walk to get some fresh air.





Frozen leaves in the ditch.

Fungus/fungi with some snow.

I want to wish you all a 
Happy New Year.
Stay safe and stay well.

Also good wishes to my American
friends and all American citizens,
on the inauguration of
their new President Biden.


Thanks for your visit xo


  1. Thelma so sorry to read about your new restrictions, but hopefully this will bring the cases down and help in slowing this awful virus down. You live in a beautiful part of the world, your photos are stunning. Wishing you a Happy New Year with every blessing.

    1. Thanks for your visit and nice comment.
      I'm not opposed to the lockdown. We were ready for it and let's hope it brings down the covid cases.
      I always enjoy reading about your part of the world, your beautiful Island.
      Thelma xo

  2. I so wish we were more locked down like you. Although after Wednesday (and to be honest, even before) I'm not sure that would really matter all that much. We are heartsick in our country. Thank you for your congratulations on President Biden. He has his work cut out for him.

    Your world is beautiful. I am no fan of tons of snow -- except in wonderful photos like yours where it looks like a fairy land!

    1. Hi Jeanie. We watched in disbelief what your country was going through last Wednesday. We were heartsick for you all. The good thing is that HE will be gone, finally. It can only get better, with time.
      Stay safe
      Thelma xo

  3. Thelma, Happy New Year to you. Your woods are just beautiful and I can see a walk in the quiet. It is so sad what we all are going through. I know a lot of people object to the shut downs, but what else can we do until the vaccines kick in? Thanks so much for your well wishes for our new president. He has got a load to contend with and answers won't come over night, but I have faith in him and the people he is surrounding himself with. This last week was horrible. There was no excuse for this to happen. But, then there is no excuse for all that has happened to the US in the last four years. I know we are thankful for the support of your country and others..Stay well..xxoJudy

    1. Hi Judy. We watched is disbelief what was happening to your country last Wednesday. Trump should be held accountable for what he has caused. The good thing is that he will be gone after 4 yrs. of lying and unstable leadership to such a powerful country. It can only get better.
      Stay safe.
      Thelma xo.

  4. These snowscapes are such a treat for us living in the tropics! Love, love, love the photos!

    Happy Monday, Thelma!

  5. Thelma your blog pics are all so beautiful that was a very good walk thanks for sharing

  6. Sorry you're back in lockdown. I hope it helps and you find joy through it. Such beautiful pictures. The fungus one is really cool! Thanks for sharing and hoping you stay healthy Thelma!

  7. Oh, Thelma, what a beautiful winter wonderland. Thank you for best thought about our new president. I am very thankful that we have him and hopefully are done with the past. I am holding my breath until the inauguration is over and there is no violence. How horrible to have to say that in the United States or anyplace. Stay well..xxoJudy

  8. Dear Thelma,
    thank you so much for your lovely visit and warm words. Your winter wonderland is amazing. Walks in the woods are here in the south of Austria one of our Corona activities. I love the cold and fresh air in my lungs. Hope you will find joy and happiness there.
    Take care and please stay save.
    All my best

  9. I love winter and so really enjoyed all of your wintry picture.That fungi is fantastic.


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