Saturday, December 1, 2018

Birds At The Feeder

Snow has come early in Eastern Canada.
There's less for the birds to eat.
I enjoy feeding and watching them.
We have a large variety of wild birds in this region.
I live near a highway and the traffic
doesn't seem to bother the birds.

We have a lot of theses cute 
little birds in the Winter.

I like the way they scoop while flying.
and they sing, chick-a-de-de-de

I hang the suet in a mesh onion bag. 
Suet is a great source of energy, 
the fat helps birds maintain heat.

It's a rare siting to see a Red Cardinal here.
They usually don't come this far North/East.

My photo is blurred because I took it
 from my kitchen window.
I was so excited to see a cardinal that 
I didn't take time to focus,
 in case he flew away.

This pretty red bird is a Purple Finch

Teapots make great bird feeders.
Hung on a slant,
if water goes in, it will run out the spout.

A larger bird.
Native to North America.

They like nuts, acorns etc. and 
hoard them up like squirrels.


I like their colours.
Beautiful strips and dots in their feathers.
Starlings can be bullies at the feeder,
chasing away other birds.

On top of the teapot below is a goldfinch.

Dark-eyed Junco,
Ground feeders, similar to a Sparrow.
Usually show up during the first snow.

Also called a Snowbird.

Mourning Dove,
They mate for life.
I had a pair come to my feeder for many yrs.
The last two years, only this one comes.
He must have lost his mate.
I named them Dave and Doris.

A calm and peaceful bird.

My Lonesome Dove

He makes himself at home.


I hung out this seed bell and within 5 minutes, he came.

He had a good lunch!!



In the backyard,
I have these tall birdhouses, 
I'd had for over 10 yrs.
and the strong winds haven't blown them down.

Last Spring
BlueJays birthed in them.

The photo below, I took last year.
The Rowan trees had a lot of berries.
Food for the birds.
This year, there's none.
Maybe the elements of nature contributed to that.
A dry Summer or the strong November winds?

My bird books.
From my Dad.

I hope you enjoyed a look at the birds.
I do get other kinds also, like pretty Grosbeaks, etc.

Thanks for your visit xo

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